Guilty Pleasures   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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She had probably mentioned this woman to me, but for the life of me, I couldn'tplace her. “Sure, Monica, yes. What Jo you want?” It sounded rude, even to me. “I'm sorry if I don't sound too good. I got off work at six.”

“My god, you mean you've only had two hours of sleep. Do you want to shoot me, or what?”

I didn't answer the question. I'm not that rude. “Did you want something, Monica?”

“Sure, yes. I'm throwing a surprise bachelorette party for Catherine. You know she gets married next month.”

I nodded, remembered she couldn't see me, and mumbled, “I'm in the wedding.”

“Oh, sure, I knew that. Pretty dresses for the bridesmaids, don't you think?”

Actually, the last thing I wanted to spend a hundred and twenty dollars on was a long pink formal with puffy sleeves, but it was Catherine's wedding. “What about the bachelorette party?”

'Oh. I'm rambling, aren't I? And you just desperate for sleep.”

I wondered if screaming at her would make her go away any her. Naw, she'd probably cry. “What do you want, please, Monica?”

“Well, I know it's short notice, but everything just sort of slipped up on me. I meant to call you a week ago, but I just never got around to it.”

This I believed “Go on.”

“The bachelorette party is tonight. Catherine says you don't drink so I was wondering if you could be designated driver.”

I just lay there for a minute, wondering how mad to get, and if it would do me any good. Maybe if I'd been more awake, I wouldn't have said what I was thinking. “Don't you think this is awfully short notice, since you want me to drive?”

“I know. I'm so sorry. I'm just so scattered lately. Catherine told me you usually have either Friday or Saturday night off. Is Friday not your night off this week?”

As a matter of fact it was, but I didn't really want to give up my only night off to this airhead on the other end of the phone. “I do have the night off.”

“Great! I'll give you directions, and you can pick us up after work. Is that okay?”

It wasn't, but what else could I say. “That's fine.”

“Pencil and paper?”

“You said you worked with Catherine, right?” I was actually beginning to remember Monica.

“Why, yes.”

“I know where Catherine works. I don't need directions.”

“Oh, how silly of me, of course. Then we'll see you about five. Dress up, but no heels. We may be dancing tonight.”

I hate to dance. “Sure, see you then.”

“See you tonight.”

The phone went dead in my ear.

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