Guilty Pleasures   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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She still wore the crumpled remains of her business suit. The wind blew her long, copper-colored hair. I've never been able to decide if Catherine would be prettier if she cut her hair, so you'd notice the face first, or if the hair was what made her pretty.

“If I have to give up one of my few free nights, then I am going to enjoy myself-immensely,” she said.

There was a kind of fierceness to the last word. I stared up at her. “You are not planning to get falling-down drunk, are you?”

“Maybe.” She looked smug.

Catherine knew I didn't approve of, or rather, didn't understand drinking. I didn't like having my inhibitions lowered. If I was going to cut loose, I wanted to be in control of just how loose I got.

We had left my car in a parking lot two blocks back. The one with the wrought-iron fence around it. There wasn't much parking down by the river. The narrow brick roads and ancient sidewalks had been designed for horses, not automobiles. The streets had been fresh-washed by a summer thunderstorm that had come and gone while we ate dinner. The first stars glittered overhead, like diamonds trapped in velvet.

Monica yelled, “Hurry up, slowpokes.”

Catherine looked at me and grinned. The next thing I knew, she was running towards Monica.

“Oh, for heaven's sake,” I muttered. Maybe if I'd had drinks with dinner, I'd have run, too, but I doubted it.

“Don't be an old stick in the mud,” Catherine called back.

Stick in the mud? I caught up to them walking. Monica was giggling. Somehow I had known she would be. Catherine and she were leaning against each other laughing. I suspected they might be laughing at me.

Monica calmed enough to fake an ominous stage whisper. “Do you know what lies around this corner?”

As a matter of fact, I did. The last vampire killing had been only four blocks from here. We were in what the vampires called “the District.” Humans called it the Riverfront, or Blood Square, depending on if they were being rude or not.

“Guilty Pleasures,” I said.

“Oh, pooh, you spoiled the surprise.”

“What's Guilty Pleasures?” Catherine asked.

Monica giggled. “Oh, goodie, the surprise isn't spoiled after all.” She put her arm through Catherine's. “You are going to love this, I promise you.”

Maybe Catherine would; I knew I wouldn't, but I followed them around the corner anyway. The sign was a wonderful swirling neon the color of heart blood. The symbolism was not lost on me.

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