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), and it was likewise certain, that he took notice of his Embassadour's uneasiness in his Letters (Исправлено карандашом so much it is certain that he the Czar showed (далее два или три слова стерты) Emhassadour in the Letter' he wrorte)in answer to the (Вместо the карандашом написано that) Epistle of Abas II ((Далее карандашом вставлено at a time), when the Cossaks were still posted in the Silk Country; but he sent him at the same time an English Colonel named Mr. Palmer, who had been long in his service: for he had desired him to send him an European officer ((Вместо an European Officier карандашом написано some European officers.) well experienced in the (Вместо the карандашом написано our.). Military Discipline and the method of managing war. But in the meantime Abas died, and Sjah Sefi II succeeded, who was not apprized of the value of this man, and as well as his Prime Minister took no notice of him. And what made him more neglected (л. З об.), was, that he was an old man with one foot in the grave, was a person of no presence, and was not talking (Вместо tolking карандашом написано conversing.) with the Persians, being capricious selfconceited and proud, nor able to conform himself to their humours. At first he lived pretty well upon his Salary, but that was soon diminished, that he could not maintain himself with his Wife and Children, whom he had brought along with him, at last to get rid of him they denied him all manner of support, unless he would renounce his Religion. Last of all when he was quite reduced to Poverty, the Europeans bore his charges to Gam-ron, from whence the English conveyed him to Bombay. This Embassy was not committed to an unskillfull Russian, but to an Englishman, one ffebdon, a perfect Master of the Russian tongue, in which Langu age his Instructions were drawn up. His Brother was likewise sent as Ambassadour from the Great Duke to the King of England (Напротив на полях написано по-латински и по-немецки de quo Wiquefort in seiner memoric von Ambassadeurs mentionirt.). The subject of the Embassy into Persia, was to make a Convention relating to the Silk Trade, and Hebdon was to have remained in Gilaan or Mezanderaan as Resident to manage the Business. But he arrived at Ispahan at the point of death, and died the next day, so this affair rested here without any farther Step being taken in it for no body of his Retinue had any instruction or orders to proceed with, and from that time nothing (Над строкой карандашом написано was further proposed.)) has beed done (Над строкой карандашом написано was further proposed.) concerning that Commerce. The Proceedings of the Cossacks did also evidently demonstrate, that they did not act by the Czar's directions, for they did not spare the Country of even Great Duke himself (л. 4).

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