Иностранные известия о восстание Степана Разина   ::   А. Г. Маньков под редакцией

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These Robbers being thus posted in the Peninsula of Mezenderaan, the Persians fitted out some small Vessels (Над строкой карандашом добавлено with platforms.) armed with a few pieces of small Cannon and some men, to dislodge the Cossacks by attacking them from the Seaside. But the Persians were unacquainted with the Coast and Engagements at Sea, whereas the Enemy were very ready and expert. The Persians could not manage the ir Ships, nor make use of their men advantagiously against the Enemy, so the Cossacks putt them into confusion as soon as ever they were gott out to Sea, so that the greater part of them fell into the Enemy's hands, who likewise sank most of their Ships, having first taken the Guns out of them. And thus there were but few of the people who escaped being Killed or drowned. The Court then talked of fitting out another fleet against them, and to man it with stout (Над строкой вместо stout карандашом написано Perse.) fishermen from Bahrein and other Seafaring people, because the former defeat was thought owing to the natives of that Country. But the Robbers, not seeing that they were likely to make any farther advantages upon this Coast, did not wait the event of this resolution, but quitted the Peninsula Mijannkaal on their own accord to the Year 1669. We heard, that after this they made themselves masters of Astracan by surprize, destroying all before them, and putting many of the people to the sword, till at last a valiant general coming retook the Town, which they did not defend long, but betaking themselves to their Ships, fell down again into the Caspian Sea (л. 4 об.), and sailed to Jayk, where they put themselves in a posture of defence, thinking they should be able to hold out. But the General, as soon as he settled affairs at Astracan, followed after them with all possible expedition, and blockt them so upon all sides, that they had no way to get out, but all fell into his hands, among whom was their Bojaar or Chief taken Prisoner, who was afterwards sent in chains to Moscow, where very severe punishments were inflicted on him; as is sufficiently Known in Europe by the accounts already given of this affair, and therefore I shall say no more concerning it in this place.

Stenko Radeiri's Expedition into Persia, related by word of mouth by a Cossack who assisted at it and with 30 others was taken Prisoner nine Years ago upon the Osto Duwanni (behind which as was said, lies another, Sziloi), near Baadkui, when they went robbing on their own account

After Stenko had Kept his Winter quarters in Yeikstadt (На полях страницы повторено название г. Яика – Yaikstat.

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