Иностранные известия о восстание Степана Разина   ::   А. Г. Маньков под редакцией

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) which place he had taken by a Stratagem, desiring to go in only with 5 persons, but Bogumolic breaking in with the Arriergard did render himself Master of it, he went to Sea with 1200 men in 29 or 30 Struses. Upon each Buse was but one Cannon, but when they came back from Astarabad, they had 2 or 3. It is to be wondered at, that they could pass the Sea with Struses; to perform this, they had defended their Vessels by fastening round about the Gunnel Rolls stuffed with Grass or Straw, which made them lighter and Kept off the (л. 5) Waves. They had built these Struses at Gurgi upon the Caspian Sea, and doubtless carried the materials with them down the Volga, for they did not take that course which Chardin describes, but the usual Robbers way through Kamuczinka Rekka, by Zariza and Astracan, where by the way they robbed all in a hostile manner. These Struses were one man high, one Russian Ell deep under Water, 8 fathoms long, and 1 fathom broad.

The first assault was (Карандашом исправлено на was Pod Buchari upon by Karngar.) upon Pod buchari by Karngar (Карандашом исправлено на was Pod Buchari upon by Karngar.) where the Russian Buses lye, thinking to get booty there, but this design was frustrated, therefore they went away and sailed along the Coast as far as Astrabad. There they proposed to the Cham ((Здесь и далее так в тексте, следует Chan или Chann (хан)). to give them a Place to live in as subjects and assist the King against the Usbecks, Two Weeks passed, and in the third they began to traffic, they made the people confident, feigning great simplicity (giving for instance a Ducat for a little (Слово little подчеркнуто карандашом и напротив него на полях написано few. Скобки даны в тексте рукописи) Schai, and selling some Goods for a Trifle). The Cham sent a Messenger to the King, and three Weeks after they sent their Deputies also: they took 500 men (Слово men подчеркнуто карандашом и напротив него на полях написано Musicks.) of all sorts of people from the Cham for Hostages; they stayd in all 6 Weeks there. Messengers after Messengers arrived from the King with favorable promises. The Cham detained them with friendly words, to amuse them till a sufficient Army could be raised. None of the Cossacks understood the Language of the Country, except Stenko, who went about every day disguised in old Clouths to hear what was discoursed, for he spoke 8 languages (л. 5 об.). Не took it ill, that the Deputies were not sent back with an answer.

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