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The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

Страница: 164 из 164

Deep space is my dwelling place,

The stars my destination.

The girl, Moira, found him in his tool locker aboard «Nomad,» curled in a tight fetal ball, his face hollow, his eyes burning with divine revelation. Although the asteroid had long since been repaired and made airtight, Foyle still went through the motions of the perilous existence that had given birth to him years before.

But now he slept and meditated, digesting and encompassing the magnificence he had learned. He awoke from reverie to trance and drifted out of the locker, passing Moira with blind eyes, brushing past the awed girl who stepped aside and sank to her knees. He wandered through the empty passages and returned to the womb of the locker. He curled up again and was lost.

She touched him once; he made no move. She spoke the name that had been emblazoned on his face. He made no answer. She turned and fled to the interior of the asteroid, to the holy of holies in which Joseph reigned.

«My husband has returned to us,» Moira said.

«Your husband?»

«The god-man who almost destroyed us.» Joseph's face darkened with anger.

«Where is he? Show me!» «You will not hurt him?»

«All debts must be paid. Show me.»

Joseph followed her to the locker aboard «Nomad» and gazed intently at Foyle. The anger in his face was replaced by wonder. He touched Foyle and spoke to him; there was still no response.

«You cannot punish him,» Moira said. «He is dying.»

«No,» Joseph answered quietly. «He is dreaming. I, a priest, know these dreams. Presently he will awaken and read to us, his people, his thoughts.»

«And then you will punish him.»

«He has found it already in himself,» Joseph said.

He settled down outside the locker. The girl, Moira, ran up the twisted corridors and returned a few moments later with a silver basin of warm water and a silver tray of food. She bathed Foyle gently and then set the tray before him as an offering. Then she settled down alongside Joseph . . . alongside the world . . . prepared to await the awakening.

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